GM canola

Farm loses organic certification due to contamination by Monsanto GM canola

In Western Australia organic farmer Stephen Marsh has had his organic accreditation suspended after independent testing showed his oats and cereal crops had been contaminated by genetically modified (GM) seeds from a neighbouring property in Western Australia's Great Southern region. Tests by the WA Department of Agriculture have confirmed the contamination.

Related: GM canola growing in Melbourne suburb (Nov 2009) | Gene Ethics Network | Countercurrents: Wikileaks Memos Reveal U.S. Gov't Pushing Gene-Altered Crops Worldwide


GM canola growing in Melbourne suburb

50 kilometres south east of Melbourne, a local bee keeper is concerned that genetically modified crops could affect his honey production. “I believe that at this stage we know very little about these products,” said Chris, who lives three miles from a property that is growing GM canola. He worries about the effects of GM crops on both the bees and the humans living in his local area.
