Occupy Wonthaggi holds first assembly

Occupy Wonthaggi took off on 7-1-12 under sunny skies. Around 30 people either spoke or listened at the Speakers Forum in front of Peacebus, under in the mine whistle in the centre of town. Everyone had a 5-minute limit to their speech, ensuring a fair go.

Topics ranged from the threat of coal seam gas development in Gippsland to refugees, military spending, the international Occupy movement, constitutional change and the relavance of statistics and maths when assessing climate change. A speaker pointed out that the "waste" from the desal plant, its destination currently a controversial issue, is actually a destroyed ecosystem.

We talked about about the choice between endless war and a peaceful future.

Those of us arrested and kept under surveillance for our opposition to the desal plant were not surprised by yesterday's revelation in the Age that spies were employed by the government, using our taxes, to gather info and infiltrate climate and coal protest groups.

The only disruption to the forum came from a worker from the local pub who tried to drown out the debate with a leaf-blower. He seemed to be overcome by the need for a tidy pub at this time.

After the forum we enjoyed a BBQ and discussion. Later some people toured the community garden where a monthly food swap takes place.

After a show of hands it was decided to hold the next Speakers Forum in Wonthaggi on Saturday 3rd March under the mine whistle.

More info: occupywonnie AT gmail DOT com
