Government funded child-abusers being used in schools to brainwash and indoctrinate children.

Analysis of the news By Travis Truman.
Link to original newspaper article :

Hello. I read in the paper recently (see link) that australian society has malevolently chosen to increase religious-societal-whores in children's schools and even cut back on psychological assisstance for children. The rather bizarre title of the newspaper article was "Chaplains in schools challenged", but Superior philosophers can easily see that god myth indoctrination is not being legitimately challenged at all - but promoted by society. Notice that the Truth-based title could be something like "Religeous societal whores challenged by one single man to no avail".

Those who have read My essays already know that child abuse in many forms is societally sponsored, and that the insane god myth is a toxic disease of the mind being malevolently and overtly spread onto children by society. It is sickening to any sane thinker that society is overtly sponsoring and funding such wonton child abuse, especially in the same building where children are confined and imprisoned where they receive a deliberately poor standard of education that is more geared towards both a day-care center and breaking the minds of children.

This one single issue alone is 100% proof to any sane philosopher that australian society is utterly vile, malevolent, illigetimate, insane and diseased and does not deserve to continue for another second. Neither does the orgaization that society gives overt permission, encouragement and bribes via fianancial "funding".

The organization that is charged with the task of spreading the insane god myth in victoria, australia is "ACCESS ministries". Lets take a look at what the "ACCESS ministries" societal organisation, does. This is a societal organisation. All societal groups and organizations are lie-based and reflect their insane society's malevolence and illegitimacy. It hires a massive and dedicated team of proven god-addicts, who are beholden to society and have sworn and pledged to infect as many other human beings as they can with their insane toxic mind disorder.

This particular wing of these diseased nutters is specially selected and trained to target young vulnerable children, at a location where they are unable to escape from them. They even claim to be able to help and counsel children, even though they are clearly not qualified to do so, because they realize that vulnerable and desperate children are easier to decimate and thus are soft targets.

Even the name of this perverse organization "Access ministries" is a clue. It is a ministry, that is clear, a collection of organized god-addicts and god-pushers. However, the word "access" signifies an extra special reward given to these religious societal whores. What is the "access" that they are guaranteed to as a reward for choosing to spread the insane god myth for societal leaders and society? Access to vulnerable children! Yes, this is what these particular god-pushers savour the most, and not just for molestation purposes.

Many do NOT molest the children, their chosen form of child abuse is simply to use the child as a poison container as they infect the poor victim as they were once themselves so infected by the insane god myth. For them, this is the desired reflective activity of their True Reality, even if they actually consciously believe that they are helping the children. Oftentimes, they are so self-deluding about their personal motivations they actually do not realize what harm they are doing children and their own malevolent motivations for doing so on a conscious level. And their lie-based society is all too happy to sponsor their actions. We must reserve our harshest judgment for society, because even these most diseased of humans are still tortured victim-creations of their society.

Australian society is allocating more and more money to this insane programme, announcing that it plans to hire thousands of more religious societal whores to assault the vulnerable minds of children. Not only is the government and society sponsoring this atrocity, but it is literally taking monetary funds from other child-nuturing programmes and tax payers by simple covert force to fund this atrocious and malevolent scheme.

Rich schools are rewarded for having strong religious brainwashing in them, and society has no qualms taking funding from poor schools that are trying to hire psychologists and giving it to the richer schools to hire religious societal whores instead. Of course, in a Truth-based society, relative school funding would not be an issue, because each student would be able to choose which school he went to, and be fully funded regardless of the wealth (or lack thereof) his primary caretaker possessed.

We see many parents actually welcome this programme, however. For them it is a chance to have their child indoctrinated and used as a poison container, while being able to much easier delude themselves that they love their child and that somehow they were not happy to have their child's minds assaulted in this manner. Often, it is seen as a way of helping break and thus gain more control over their societally decreed child-slave.

"Challengers" to this societal policy

I will now examine the claims made by the two entities that are claiming to be against the chaplaincy programme.

1. Individual Ron Williams who has a high-court challenge (pending)
2. Psychological Society spokeswoman Monica Thielking

Firstly, the Forbidden Truth dictates that an individual is the only one that ever could even potentially have any legitimate and benelovent intention to wipe-out the insane brainwashing of children via chaplain-societal-whores. This is because al societal groups and organizations reflect the insane malevolent structures and idealologies of their society. In any group, there are always more inferiors than Truth-embrazing Superior thinkers, and the inferiors will always rise to the leadership of the group due to their popularity and insane obessive drive.

Ron Williams (1) does seem to be a courageous individual who has developed the sanity to realize that children need protecting from these religeous vultures. At is hard to be sure with the information available. However, presuming so, Martyr Ron is unlikely to succeed in his quest. The legal system is a direct malevolent arm of society, and will not allow insane god myth indoctrination to be less than saturating the minds of children. Even IF he succeeds in eliminating the chaplain programme (and I don't suggest for a second that this might happen), then society will just start school excursions to churches, hiring more christian bible-pushing teachers and so on.

The psychological society organization (2) is another matter. Their primary issue is clearly with the money being spent, that could be spent on counselling. They fall way short of the Truth of what the chaplain programme is designed to do - brainwash and damage the minds of children for societal leaders.

For example, Dr Thielking (of the psychological society) said "early-intervention programs for children's mental health were too scarce because of lack of money, and the government was wasting money on chaplaincy." - quoted from The Age online newspaper article by Michael Bachelard on the 5th of Sept 2010.

THERE IS NO LACK OF FUNDING, IT JUST GOES TO CHAPLAINCY AND OTHER MONEY WASTING PROGRAMMES. Societal leaders can always find funding for what they want, as I proved in My Funding Truths essay.

The above claim made by the psychological society is false. We see here how this organization is simply trying to make excuses for society. This is one example of how an organization is spreading societal lies while pretending to be a legitimate and benelovent organization.

There simply should be no chaplains at all. The ACCESS ministries claim that the chaplain programme is "a valuable adjunct to other welfare services at schools" is irrational and lie-based. It just begs the question. Exactly HOW is it a valuable service? No explanation is given. We already have qualified counsellors that could be hired to be in schools and talk to students.

Another insanity is the complaint that there are "unqualified chaplains". Perhaps this is a poor choice of words on their part, but of course all chaplains are completely and absolutely not qualified to be teaching children anything at all. The claim that chaplains are "better qualified" is also insane. How can the be ANY level of qualification in simply brainwashing and abusing children via toxic societal myths? There is no skill involved, only a malevolent intent. The people who are actually better qualified, the psychologists and psychiatrists are clearly not being hired despite having qualification, because they would not acheive society's overtly malevolent indoctrination-based goal.

The idea that children would "rather" go to a chaplain is a moot point. Some children WOULD prefer to go to a chaplain. Some children might prefer to self-harm. Can we allow a child to make a un-informed decision based on what society has already foistered upon his True Reality? Of course not! The reason why some children go back is that, sadly, they are now addicted to the insane god myth and the comfort it provides, and would rather gat a "fix" of religeous brainwashing than try and get a self-loving and realistc form of assisstance.

In conclusion, we see just how insane and perverse society is in its overt efforts to destroy the minds of children. This constitutes a front-line assault and act of provocation against children. Of course, there are many problems with all the other child-protection and councelling programmes as well, as these are also using fake and distorted psychology and psychiatry to try and get children to conform to society and accept their unjust victimization at the hands of their society. for more Truths.
