Ignorance Is Strength 1 mp3


censorship, orwell, huxley, foxnews, internet filters - all mixed and sequenced kaputt style

excerpts of:
mainstream media, youtube, "1984" and "Brave New World" readings mixed with politicians babble, "freedom" by Welfare Poets, "internet censorship" by GOOD, Australian Internet Censorship, MI5 Officer Annie Machon attacks toothless British media, "Information Overlords" by N.H.I.V. mixed with "Totalitarianism - Propaganda, US At Risk of Bio Or Nuke Attack Before 2013", Jimmy Wales from Wikipedia on censorship, "Scientology tactics of censorship", "party fervor" with Kevin Rudd, "face the music" by futurhistrix - other sounds by supahempadoxical

length: 29:59 min 128 kbps stereo 27.5 MB